Saturday, November 24, 2012

Farming & Deer Damage

Deer Damage on Winter Squash
Among other things, LFLF got a couple of small squashes last weekend ..... You're heard of personal pan pizzas?  These are personal roasting pan squashes!  Anyway, one of the things we also noticed were some of the deer damaged winter squashes at the market. 
Beaver Farmers' Market - More Deer Damage
The veggies are perfectly fine to buy & cook, but you can imagine the disappointment in finding these in the field.  Just one of the many things that can go wrong during the growing season.  The deer don't care about all of the hard work that goes into growing these beauties!   Anyway if it's any consolation, the opening day  of deer season for the majority of hunters in Pennsylvania is Monday the 26th.  Most farmers welcome respectful hunters if you've made yourself known & asked permission before deer season. 

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Catching Up - Last Saturday!

Beaver Farmers' Market - Oak Spring Farm Customers
LFLF is finally catching up to cover our visit last Saturday to the Beaver Farmers' Market.   The weather was dry instead of rainy like it had been all week.  We had in the neighborhood of 5 - 6 inches of rain ..... at least it came over 4 or 5 days!
Snapping Up Really Fresh Broccoli From Douds-Floyd Farm
LFLF was in line right behind this customer for a couple of heads of broccoli & then we moved on for some carrots from another farmer.  It's past Halloween and most of the customers were focused on apples. winter squash, cabbages, lettuce, greens, baked goods, & bread.
Purple Cabbage, Turnips, Parsley, Carrots, & Acorn Squash
The only disappointment of the day was that there was no apple cider to be had!  :(
Seems that some of the farms had bad luck with apples this year, so cider apples - usually seconds - were in shorter supply .......