Sunday, September 5, 2010

More About Apples & A Giant Squash!

LFLF was off to the Canfield Fair this weekend.  So much to see, but here's a favorite feature for foodies.  In the Fruit, Hay, & Grain Building, next to the beekeepers with their honey products on display and sale, the local orchards put up a great competition display.  Beside the gorgeous display is a cold cider booth - perfect on a hot day!   We'd say it will be worth a trip out to any of these orchards for apples.  Apple pie season is now upon us!  There is plenty of time to get ready for a local pie contest .  We picked this info up in the Fall 2010 issue of Table Magazine, a great resource for local foods in SW PA.  The 5th Annual Southwesten Pennsylvania Apple Festival and Pie Baking Contest  will be held on Saturday October 23rd.  Sounds like a great place to be! 
And what trip to Canfield would be complete without the Largest Squash competion?  Here's the winner for 2010 .........

Now that's a lot of pumpkin pie!

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