Today there was a "goal" or purpose to shopping at the Ambridge Farmers' Market. I'm on tap for a "sidedish" (NOT a salad) for a picnic dinner meeting tomorrow night. Since the committee is part of
Penn State Cooperative Extension in Beaver County, it's only appropriate that fresh local farm products go into the the dish, right? So what's in season? Well, new potatoes are abundant right now, so we're having "Garlic & Rosemary Roasted New Potatoes ..... it had to be something that could be popped into the microwave to heat up after work. The new potatoes are from Dave (see the post from June 18th) & the garlic scapes & parsley are from
Douds-Floyd Farm . The fresh rosemary is from plants that I overwintered on the kitchen windowsill. Now that's local!
I can smell the aroma from the kitchen as I write .... & rounded out by a couple of other items ...... fresh black raspberries from May-Malone Farm, yellow summer squash from Volkar's Farm, and chocolate/black walnut bars from Pat, the baker.
Also --- if you're interested in preserving your own food & farmers' market produce to enjoy all year, take a look at the brochure for a
3 hour class coming up at the end of July in Beaver County. This is perfect timing ..... right at the peak of canning season.
Pat Leach, a former Penn State Cooperative Extension Sr. Educator from Indiana County will be leading the workshop. I worked with Pat at PSCE and she is an
expert on the subject. You've heard of Penn State Master Gardeners, right? Well, Pat is a
Penn State Master Food Preserver! Click here for a copy of the program brochure. These programs are really popular right now. A similar program put on by PSCE in June at Janoski's Farm in Clinton had about 50 people in attendance.