Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sunday Drivers

What a difference a day makes in October. Thursday, Friday, Saturday ..... cold, overcast, with mist & rain all day. Then Sunday came and it promised to be a perfect day for fall leaf peeping. We ended up driving north to Shelocta in Indiana County. Reegers Farm was having their annual fall pumpkin festival. Boy, has this grown in the 2 years since LFLF worked in Indiana! Reeger's is a great local spot for lunch out on the covered patio in the summer. The daily menu changes with what home grown produce is in season on the farm. They also have wonderful baked goods. There was a nice sized crowd there today to enjoy the pumpkin patch, hayrides, etc. & that's during a Steelers game!
On the trip back, we stopped at Brenkle's Farms and Greenhouse just west of Butler on Rt 68 and picked up some heirloom squash & pumpkins. They're really neat to decorate with AND cook with for something different. Today 2 young women were buying pie pumpkins when we came in. They were questioning "how many pumpkins does it take to make a pie?". Seems that one of their boyfriends wants a "real" homemade pie (and pumpkin roll!). LFLF cautioned them that a real pie won't be a perfectly smooth deep orange pie like they're used to, but it will be lighter in color & have "more texture". Told them to "Google it" ..... I wonder how that will turn out? ;~)
It looks like "Pumpkin" the cat was manning the scales. All of the big jack-o-lantern pumpkins were 19 cents/lb! That's the best buy we've seen all season, especially if you need to buy A LOT of pumpkins and you're in the area.
And yes ..... Brenkle's has a large selection of mums out front that still have "blooms opening" for sale.

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