Friday, January 1, 2010

Windowsill Garden

Rosemary makes a great windowsill garden plant ... this plant was purchased at the Ambridge Farmers' Market 2 years ago. After 2 summers outside and graduating to a larger pot, it's finally coming into it's own as a Christmas tree! It loves the southern window exposure and even came into bloom last week. Most of the clippings are used in the kitchen, so no more dried leaves for LFLF!


Becky said...

On a trip before Christmas, I saw rosemary "trees" in a grocery store floral dept. Always hesitate to buy plants from there because they often have insect or disease issues. We had four hours to drive home and rosemary may have been too pungent in a confined area. SO I decided to shop for one back home. Never found one locally over the holidays. Yours is a beautiful sight!

RMK said...

Thanks ..... wait 'til next year!