Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Pennsylvania Food Success!

On Sunday, LFLF took a trip to the Cook Forest Herb & Fiber Festival.  The weather went from high winds and hard rain to bright and sunny, on and off all day.  It was raining when we got to the event, so we quickly got under cover.  Carriage House Creations was set up in front of the Sawmill Center For the Arts and they were providing samples of their products.  While talking to David, the gentleman manning the booth, I remembered why the products looked SO familiar.  His wife Louise was a guest speaker at the Penn State Cooperative Extension Food For Profit  program that I attended in 2005/2006(?) at the Penn State Dubois Campus.  At the time, I was auditing the class in preparation for facilitating that program in the SW Pennsylvania region.  Louise had a great story to tell and was so enthusiastic about her signature margarita jellies!   With that great inspiration, the team that I worked with went on to conduct 3 FFP programs in the following months.   We were also able to get some local food entreprenuers to share their business stories.  
The Food For Profit program is a "must" if you're thinking about starting your own home-based food business!
LFLF left Cook Forest with a Raspberry Margarita Jelly, a Christoforetti Olde World Pasta Modesto Sauce (loaded with garlic!), and 2 bottles of Bold N' Spicy Bourbon Basting Sauce.   Can't wait to enjoy them all!


Jacki Weikert said...

Darn! I should have told you to come on over to Tionesta and visit us...and to bring us some yummy stuff from the festival. Love this blog as well.

RMK said...

We marinated venison steaks in the bourbon sauce ...... nice tangy flavor. Wish you were there! :)