Monday, August 16, 2010

"And then there's melons" ......

We're used to seeing melons as we reach the peak of summer at the markets, and Saturday at the Beaver Farmers' Market was no different ...... LFLF picked up a perfectly ripe cantaloupe from Volkar Farms and we're just waiting for their watermelons to come in season.  Seems that they have 2 varieties of "lopes" planted, with the plan for one variety to ripen for market 2 weeks ahead of the 2nd variety.  You guessed it!  Both are ready now.  Well, that's better that having a blight or crop loss, eh?  :) 
And then there's melons ....... how about these Bitter Melons ???  And who knew that there is a "vibrant, diverse Bitter Melon community" out there?   Douds-Floyd Farm grew these beauties.  Of course, LFLF has no idea of how to prepare these veggies, so maybe next year ..... If nothing else, we have this link to an interesting web-site and some potential recipes & health tips! 

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