Monday, September 16, 2013

Sunny Morning In Sewickley

Sewickley Farmers' Market - View As A Vendor!
Saturday morning was wonderful - very sunny & the weather was a bit cool, so long sleeves or jackets were in order!
LFLF hasn't been to this market all summer.  :(  This is mostly due to the Ambridge - Aliquippa Bridge being closed since March for renovations and how we re-route our travels.  The market was bustling when we got there.  We'll do a separate post on a couple of vendors that we spent some time talking to on Saturday, but for now, here are the produce & goodies that we saw ......
Organic Tomatillos, Cherry Tomatoes, & Ground Cherries!
One of the organic vendors had quite a selection of unusual items shown above as well as pumpkins, squash, fingering potatoes, tomatoes, & peppers ......

Espresso Specialty Foods - Look At This Baked Goods Selection ..... Yum!
LFLF picked up some almond biscotti, sweet corn, cherry tomatoes, & peppers.  There was plenty to choose from at Gray Family Farms, but it looks like the aruguala was GONE !!!!  The mushrooms looked wonderful & customers were snapping them up.
SOLD OUT - No Arugula For You! 
Finally, some great looking potatoes ........
Organic Potato Selection


Becky said...

Gray's slate board makes a great sign, but what do they do in rain or wind?

RMK said...

Not sure, but I see many of black board type of signs "rubbed off" as people lean against them ... still, lots of vendors use them!