Tuesday, August 12, 2014

McConnells' Farm Apples Are Starting

McConnells' Farm - Apple Crates & Pickers' Bag
Here's a little of what's going on outside of the market at McConnells' Farm.  The early apples have started and right now there are McIntosh apples for sale in the market.  The cool rainy weather we're having makes a nice apple dessert sound good!
Starting To Pick Apples
If you haven't seen anyone picking apples before, note the tripod style fruit picking ladder.  It makes it possible to get closer to the trees to pick and it provides a sturdier base.
McConnells' Farm Apple Tree
How about the fruit on this apple tree?  These were along the driveway & LFLF can't "name that apple", but I bet a McConnell family member would know by just glancing at them!  :)
McConnells' Farm Social Media Info!


Unknown said...

Thanks for stopping in and for the write-up! BTW, Red Delicious...

RMK said...

Ha! I'd have to get a lot closer to recognize that apple.