Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Got Your Tree?

Hozak's Tree Farm - Rainy Afternoon
LFLF was out at Hozak's Tree Farm over the weekend to pick up a couple of wreaths to decorate at the cemetery.  We picked up 2 beautiful swags and then went inside the Christmas Barn to look around. 
Look at this antique coin sorter at the check out counter!   The first step is to turn the crank the right way or you'll dump the coins all over the place. 

Hozak's Farm - Antique Coin Sorter
There were 2 young couples with kids in the tree lot when we got there.  They picked out trees fairly quickly and were on their way.  By the time we came out of the Christmas Barn, it was starting to get dark.  There was an intrepid couple walking over to the tree lot, but no takers for a wagon ride out to the fields ...

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