Lots of watermelons at the Beaver Farmers' Market yesterday ...... my first local watermelon of the season is a red seedless melon. Next I'll try the yellow melons. Will anyone bring an orange fleshed watermelon to market? Haven't seen those in W PA, but then again, I don't get to EVERY market ......... ;~)
Check out this site for recipes and even information for educators! http://www.watermelon.org/
Just for fun .......... http://www.snopes.com/photos/odd/watermelon.asp
They're not food (at least these ones weren't edible), but the flowers were really looking good at the market too. Sunflowers, zinnia, cockscomb, glads, and a whole variety from the market cut flower grower. More on the BCF&VGA cut flower grower when I can get some good shots of her flowers in afternoon lighting. AND the hardy fall mums have shown up in the last week or so ......... while parking, we saw several being carted off by their new owners.